Saturday 10 March 2012

So, here we are again! vvv busy at the moment, but thought I should get all of this down before I forget what I'm doing and lose my own elbow. So coming up in a few months is a craft, vintage and handmade festival in Blackpool. I've never been but it looks like a lot of fun! So Beckeroo and I are giving it a good go and jotting our ideas down like the crazy scribbler types we are :) Got a massive 'to-do' list (as always) and getting cracking. Several rings, bracelets and necklaces are already (almost) finished, and it's not even coming up to the deadline!

Touch wood but it feels like I'm on target...?

Also, I know this is out of the blue but I'm thinking of running a marathon.. I occasionally run...jog, but it might be fun to have something to work towards. Well I'll give it a go, started the training this afternoon, far so good!

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