Saturday 10 March 2012

So, here we are again! vvv busy at the moment, but thought I should get all of this down before I forget what I'm doing and lose my own elbow. So coming up in a few months is a craft, vintage and handmade festival in Blackpool. I've never been but it looks like a lot of fun! So Beckeroo and I are giving it a good go and jotting our ideas down like the crazy scribbler types we are :) Got a massive 'to-do' list (as always) and getting cracking. Several rings, bracelets and necklaces are already (almost) finished, and it's not even coming up to the deadline!

Touch wood but it feels like I'm on target...?

Also, I know this is out of the blue but I'm thinking of running a marathon.. I occasionally run...jog, but it might be fun to have something to work towards. Well I'll give it a go, started the training this afternoon, far so good!

Sunday 4 March 2012

Bloggers Block..

Again, the blog has disappeared from sight in this old memory of mine! The work is flowing along nicely up here in Scotland, and since starting a job in a Bead Shop (which you should check out on-line if your into these things) I've learned how to make lots of jewellery, and sold quite a lot too. Most of what I have made is on my facebook 'page' and etsy shop. and

If your interested! Many a long winter evening has been spent huddled under a blanket at my workbench making lots of lovely shiny things :)

On another note I now have two fish, as Pickle the hamster sadly passed away, called Manech and Mathilde. Both are enjoying their lives, nibbling gravel and looking at bubbles, as most fish do. Enough mumbling for one evening, I'll find some pictures to pop up!

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Twice in one night!

I must be getting the hang of this... although think I'm posting on here because I have no idea how to use my newly acquired tumblr page..
So anyway..I wanted to post up some of my recent pictures, I'm in the process of making another photo book, which should be coming together by the end of the year depending on how much time I manage to spend in the darkroom. -I found an awesome darkroom in town, underground, beneath a photography gallery. Very exciting news.

It's a miracle!

I still remember my password and I'm taking the time to write and post a little something! how exciting.

So, we have been installing, fighting with, and finally surfing the internet and I found some cool things...first of all a picture I love of my favourite musical artist, Lisa Hannigan, her music pretty much sums up my artwork and photos- life, travel and some other deeper bits too. It's about being alive and looking into the details.

Friday 29 July 2011

Catching up with myself..

Once again, completely slipped my mind I had a blog. So, I'll paste up the pictures of my work from the degree show and draw a line under Uni and start new adventures in Scotland :)

Wednesday 13 April 2011

I thought it might be about time I posted an update, I've been chipping away at uni work everyday and it seems to be coming along nicely. The problem with uni work is that half of the work put in, you cant see, it exists in ideas, notes, dissertations, journals and contextual work so I thought maybe I'd show some of them to give myself something to compare to at the end of the year. Doing a combined degree I have six or seven journals on the go and there is paper, photocopies, post-it notes and to-do lists everywhere I turn!

Next time I will post some up-to-date pictures of my work, of which my art should be just about finished and the photography probably wont even nearly be done. There are some very busy weekends coming up and so over this Easter break I need to really crack on.

Good job I like what I do.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

so, recently i've been working hard on getting both my art and photography up to scratch, and i thought it might be time for an update on here and maybe even have a go at putting some images of the work up too..if my technical bits in my head are working tonight that is...

the mountain piece is very nearly finished, and there is now a waterfall travelling down one of the legs of the table. the seemingly endless felting is very nearly done, which is a relief!

..and the photography is well on the way, i have been experimenting across a wall, door and eventually the floor (the photographs decide this for themselves, it has very little to do with me!) and i'll have a go at putting pictures of that up too.